Abstract Besides ubiquitous poly(A)-binding protein, cytoplasmic 1 (PABPC1), testis-specific PABPC2/PABPt (in humans, referred to as PABPC3), and female and male germline-specific PABPC1L/ePAB, have been reported in the mouse testis. Recent in silico analysis additionally identified testis-specific Pabpc6 in the mouse. In this study, we characterized PABPC6 and its mutant mice. PABPC6 was initially detectable in the cytoplasm of pachytene spermatocytes, increased in abundance in round spermatids, and decreased in elongating spermatids. PABPC6 was capable of binding to poly(A) tails of various mRNAs and interacting with translation-associated factors, including EIF4G, PAIP1, and PAIP2. Noteworthy was that PABPC6, unlike PABPC1, was barely associated with translationally active polysomes and enriched in chromatoid bodies of round spermatids. Despite these unique characteristics, neither synthesis of testicular proteins nor spermatogenesis was affected in the mutant mice lacking PABPC6, suggesting that PABPC6 is functionally redundant with other co-existing PABPC proteins during spermatogenesis.