Stress and Strain Characteristics under the Large Deformation of Surimi Gel during Penetration and Extension Tests Using Digital Image Correlation and the Numerical Simulation Method
The stress and strain properties of surimi gels (72.49% moisture content) under large deformation were analyzed during penetration (cylindrical, conical, and spherical puncture) and extension (ring tensile) tests. Mechanical measurements were compared and validated using digital image correlation (DIC) and numerical simulations. The DIC and the finite element method reflected the influence of the probe shape and the surface area in contact with the gel during the measurements. In puncture tests, a larger probe surface increased the strain concentration at the puncture point. In the extension test, the strain distribution was symmetrical. The strain values observed during penetration tests were comparable in both the DIC and numerical simulation. The tensile failure characteristics observed in DIC and numerical simulations are similar to those found in the experiment. The study demonstrated that the extension method with the ring tensile device did not show a stress concentration during the measurement, and DIC and numerical simulation can be effective tools in analyzing the textural properties of surimi gel during the puncture and ring tensile tests.