The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the EfficientNetB1 model in identifying fish diseases across two distinct datasets: South Asian Fish Diseases and Salmon Fish Diseases. The South Asian Fish Diseases dataset includes seven categories: red bacterial disease, aeromoniasis, gill bacterial disease, fungal saprolegniasis, parasitic disease, and white tail viral disease. The Salmon dataset is divided into two parts: FreshFish and InfectedFish. Using the EfficientNetB1 algorithm, each dataset was separately trained and tested to predict species and disease. Results showed an accuracy of 98.14% for the South Asian Fish Diseases dataset and 99.18% for the Salmon Diseases dataset. These findings support the argument that the model possesses sufficient capability to detect diseases affecting various fish species. This suggests that the model could be a valuable tool in the aquaculture industry for disease management and detection strategies.