1. Operating Room Setup 2. Special Considerations in Skull Base Surgery 3. Radiology of the Lateral Skull Base 4. Introduction to Lateral Skull Base Surgery 4.1 Classification of Lateral Skull Base Approaches 4.2 Surgical Anatomy 5. The Translabyrinthine Approaches 5.1 The Enlarged Translabyrinthine Approach 5.2 The Enlarged Translabyrinthine Approach with Transapical Extension 5.3 Brain Stem Implantation 6. The Transcochlear Approaches 6.1 The Transotic Approach 6.2 The Modified Transchochlear Approache, Types A-D 7. The Middle Fossa Approaches 8. Approaches to the Jugular Foramen 8.1 Type A Infratemporal Fossa Approach 8.2 Type B Petro-occipital Transsigmoid Approach 9. Approaches to the Infratemporal Fossa 9.1 Type B Infratemporal Fossa Approach 9.2 Type C Infratemporal Fossa Approach 9.3 The Group of Preauricular Transzygometic Approaches 9.3.1 Type D Infratemporal Fossa Approach 9.3.2 Preauricular Infratemporal Transzygometic Approach 9.3.3 Preauricular Frontotemporal Orbitozygometic Approach 10. The Retrosigmoid Retrolabyrinthine Approach 11. The Extreme Lateral Approach 12. Combined Approaches 13. Decision-making in Skull Base Surgery 14. General Principles of Embolization in Skull Base Tumors 15. Management of the Internal Carotid Artery in Skull Base Surgery