In this study, we designed mechanically and chemically robust superhydrophobic coatings with strong interfacial adhesion with polycarbonate (PC) substrates by dripping an acetone solution containing fluorinated silica (F-SiO2) nanoparticles and epoxy resin. It was found that the acetone-induced crystallization and roughening of PC leading to a firm bonding of superhydrophobic F-SiO2/epoxy coatings onto the surface of PC substrates. The coatings prepared under the optimal condition showed an excellent superhydrophobic property with a water contact angle (CA) larger than 160° and a sliding angle (SA) smaller than 2°, together with superior anti-icing performance. The coatings retained their excellent superhydrophobicity after various external mechanical damages (such as tape adhesion, knife scratch, finger wiping, and sandpaper wear) and in different corrosive environments (acidic, alkaline, and salinity solutions). Furthermore, the new coatings exhibited outstanding ability against photo-oxidative and hygrothermal aging. Therefore, it is believed that the superhydrophobic coatings prepared have the potential to satisfy the imperative requirements in many harsh outdoor applications based on PC materials.