AIM:To investigate the effect of alpha lipoic acid on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) osmolarity and brain tissue water ratio in a rabbit model of traumatic brain injury. MATERIAL and METHODS:Using a previously established model of traumatic brain injury using liquid nitrogen, 36 New Zealand rabbits were randomized into six groups (three treatment groups, a no trauma/no treatment group, a trauma/no treatment group, and a no trauma/treatment group).The treatment groups were administered intravenous alpha lipoic acid at different times of the experiment.Cerebrospinal fluid was obtained 96 hours after injury/treatment via cisterna magna puncture; glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and sodium levels were measured and osmolarity was calculated.Brain tissue water ratio was determined using wet and dry brain weights.The therapeutic effect of alpha lipoic acid was evaluated by comparing cerebrospinal fluid osmolarity and brain tissue water ratio between study groups. RESULTS:Based on cerebrospinal fluid osmolarity values, alpha lipoic acid treatment effectiveness was greatest in the group that received 3 doses after trauma.CONCLUSION: Alpha lipoic acid is effictive in the treatment of brain edema after experimental traumatic brain injury.