Evangelos K. Oikonomou,Michelle C. Williams,Christos P Kotanidis,Milind Y. Desai,Mohamed Marwan,Alexios S. Antonopoulos,Katharine Thomas,Sheena Thomas,Ioannis Akoumianakis,Lampson M. Fan,Sujatha Kesavan,L Herdman,Alaa Alashi,Erika Hutt,Maria Lyasheva,Brian P. Griffin,Scott D. Flamm,Cheerag Shirodaria,Nikant Sabharwal,Andrew Kelion,Marc R. Dweck,Edwin J.R. van Beek,John Deanfield,Jemma C. Hopewell,Stefan Neubauer,Keith M. Channon,Stephan Achenbach,David E. Newby,Charalambos Antoniades
Coronary inflammation induces dynamic changes in the balance between water and lipid content in perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), as captured by perivascular Fat Attenuation Index (FAI) in standard coronary CT angiography (CCTA). However, inflammation is not the only process involved in atherogenesis and we hypothesized that additional radiomic signatures of adverse fibrotic and microvascular PVAT remodelling, may further improve cardiac risk prediction.