An assessment of train safety whilst simultaneously traveling at high speed and being subjected to strong cross winds requires the knowledge of the aerodynamic load on the train. This situation currently affects the French high speed double decker train (TGV Duplex) that travels on the "TGV Méditerranée" line between Paris and Marseille. For safety reasons, the SNCF has investigated the cross wind sensitivity of the TGV Duplex operating on this line using both reduced scale wind tunnel and hydraulic tank tests and numerical methods. Comparisons between experimental and numerical side and lift forces and lee rail rolling moments acting on the TGV have been made. The leading vehicle experimental pressure distributions have also permitted further comparisons between the experimental and numerical results. Overall, these comparisons showed good agreement between the two sets of results for TGV / wind relative flow angles of 30° or less. Beyond this, the differences between the results are more pronounced with a maximum difference occurring for a relative flow angle of approximately 60°.