Xinchun Lu,Xinxin Fan,Wenxiu Zou,Jun Yan,Xu Chen,Xiaofei Han,Weina Deng
We examined the effects of fertile soil layer construction technology on soil fertility and maize yield with a 3-year field experiment in Albic soil in Fujin, Heilongjiang Province. There were five treatments, including conventional tillage (T15, without organic matter return) and fertile soil layer construction methods [deep tillage (0-35 cm) with straw return, T35+S; deep tillage with organic manure, T35+M; deep tillage with straw and organic manure return, T35+S+M; deep tillage with straw, organic manure return and chemical fertilizer, T35+S+M+F]. The results showed that: 1) compared with the T15 treatment, maize yield was significantly increased by 15.4%-50.9% under fertile layer construction treatments. 2) There was no significant difference of soil pH among all treatments in the first two years, but fertile soil layer construction treatments significantly increased soil pH of topsoil (0-15 cm soil layer) in the third year. The pH of subsoil (15-35 cm soil layer) significantly increased under T35+S+M+F, T35+S+M, and T35+M treatments, while no significant difference was observed for T35+S treatment, compared with T15 treatment. 3) The fertile soil layer construction treatments could improve the nutrient contents of the topsoil and subsoil layer, especially in the subsoil layer, with the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and available potassium being increased by 3.2%-46.6%, 9.1%-51.8%, 17.5%-130.1%, 4.4%-62.8%, 22.2%-68.7% under the subsoil layer, respectively. The fertility richness indices were increased in the subsoil layer, and nutrient contents of the subsoil layer were close to those of topsoil layer, indicating that 0-35 cm fertile soil layer had been constructed. 4) Soil organic matter contents in the 0-35 cm layer were increased by 8.8%-23.2% and 13.2%-30.1% in the second and third years of fertile soil layer construction, respectively. Soil organic carbon storage was also gradually increased under fertile soil layer construction treatments. 5) The carbon conversion rate of organic matter was 9.3%-20.9% under T35+S treatment, and 10.6%-24.6% under T35+M, T35+S+M, and T35+S+M+F treatments. The carbon sequestration rate was 815.7-3066.4 kg·hm-2·a-1 in fertile soil layer construction treatments. The carbon sequestration rate of T35+S treatment increased with experimental periods, and soil carbon content under T35+M, T35+S+M and T35+S+M+F treatments reached saturation point in the experimental second year. Construction of fertile soil layers could improve the fertility of topsoil and subsoil and maize yield. In term of economic benefits, combination application of maize straw, organic material and chemical fertilizer within 0-35 cm soil, cooperating with conservation tillage, is recommended for the Albic soil fertility improvement.为探究肥沃耕层构建技术对白浆土土壤肥力和玉米产量的影响,本研究在黑龙江省富锦市的白浆土上进行了3年的定位试验,试验设置常规整地方法(T15)和肥沃耕层构建方法[秸秆深混还田(T35+S)、有机肥深混施用(T35+M)、秸秆与有机肥深混还田(T35+S+M)、深翻35 cm+秸秆深混+有机肥+化肥(T35+S+M+F)]共5个处理。结果表明: 1)肥沃耕层构建处理均比常规对照显著增加了玉米产量,增幅15.4%~50.9%。2)与常规对照相比,肥沃耕层构建前两年对土壤pH值影响不显著,到第3年显著提高了耕层(0~15 cm)土壤pH值;T35+S+M+F、T35+S+M、T35+M处理显著提高了亚耕层(15~35 cm土层)土壤pH值,T35+S处理对亚耕层土壤pH值影响不显著。3)肥沃耕层构建处理(T35+S+M+F、T35+S+M、T35+M、T35+S)可提高耕层和亚耕层土壤养分含量,其中亚耕层土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷、碱解氮和速效钾含量分别显著提高了3.2%~46.6%、9.1%~51.8%、17.5%~130.1%、4.4%~62.8%、22.2%~68.7%,导致亚耕层肥力丰富度指数增加,其养分含量趋近于耕层水平,构建了35 cm肥沃耕层。4)肥沃耕层构建处理第2、3年0~35 cm土壤有机质含量分别增加了8.8%~23.2%、13.2%~30.1%;土壤有机碳储量逐步增加。5)T35+S处理碳转化率为9.3%~20.9%,T35+M、T35+S+M和T35+S+M+F处理碳转化率为10.6%~24.6%;肥沃耕层构建处理土壤固碳速率为815.7~3066.4 kg·hm-2·a-1,T35+S处理固碳速率随着时间推移逐渐增加,其他3个处理第二年达到碳饱和。采用玉米秸秆或者玉米秸秆配合有机肥深混的肥沃耕层构建方式能够同步培肥白浆土耕层和亚耕层土壤,提高玉米产量,从经济效益考虑,实际生产中可采用秸秆、有机肥和化肥深混一次性还田方式结合保护性耕作培肥白浆土。.