To address collision challenges between multi-UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) during obstacle avoidance, a novel formation control method is proposed. Leveraging the concept of APF (artificial potential field), the proposed approach integrates UAV maneuver constraints with a consensus formation control algorithm, optimizing UAV velocities through the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The optimal consensus control algorithm is then employed to achieve the optimal convergence rate of the UAV formation. To mitigate the limitations of traditional APF, a collinear force deflection angle is introduced, along with an obstacle avoidance method aimed at preventing UAVs from being trapped in locally optimal solutions. Additionally, an obstacle avoidance algorithm based on virtual force fields between UAVs is designed. Comparative analysis against the basic algorithm demonstrates the effectiveness of the designed optimal consensus algorithm in improving formation convergence performance. Moreover, the improved APF resolves local optimal solution issues, enabling UAVs to effectively navigate around obstacles. Simulation results validate the efficacy of this method in achieving multi-UAV formation control while effectively avoiding obstacles.