This study confirms the effectiveness of pretreatment video-based psychoeducation on stress management and relaxation in reducing depression, anxiety, and uncertainty among patients with breast cancer.We conducted a nonrandomized trial with 86 pretreatment patients with breast cancer who were divided equally into intervention and control groups, and stratified according to cancer stages and patient ages. Omitting the excluded participants, 35 intervention group and 36 control group participants were asked to complete the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Universal Uncertainty in Illness Scale (UUIS) before the psychoeducational intervention (baseline, hereafter "BL ") as well as 1 and 3 months later. Then, a 2 group (intervention and control groups) × 3 time points (BL and 1 and 3 months post-intervention) mixed models repeated measures (MMRM) analysis was implemented.Analysis confirmed interaction between 2 group × 3 time points for depression, anxiety, and UUIS. Multiple comparisons revealed that each score in the intervention group was significantly lower 1 and 3 months post-intervention compared to BL. Meanwhile, in the control group, the depression score was significantly higher at 3 months post-intervention compared to pre-intervention. The anxiety scores and UUIS of the same group were not significantly different between 1 and 3 months post-intervention. The effect size values 3 months post-intervention were -0.57 for depression, -0.25 for anxiety, and 0.05 for uncertainty.Pretreatment psychoeducation reduced depression, anxiety, and uncertainty in the intervention group of patients with breast cancer compared to the control group. The effect sizes at 3 months post-intervention were moderate for depression and small for anxiety. These results suggest the effectiveness of psychoeducation for patients with breast cancer, using videos on stress management and relaxation, early at the pretreatment stage.