Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Correlates of Interrupted and Aborted Suicide Attempts Among U.S. Active Duty Service Members Seeking Treatment for Suicidal Symptoms
This study examined suicide attempts (SAs), interrupted SAs, and aborted SAs and their cross-sectional and longitudinal associations with suicide-related correlates among high-risk active duty service members. Service members receiving suicide-related treatment completed measures at baseline ( N = 1,044) and a 3-month follow-up ( n = 758). Multivariate analysis of variance and regression models were used to evaluate differences between SA groups (SAs, interrupted and/or aborted SAs, no SAs) in baseline suicide-related correlates (suicidal thoughts, thwarted belongingness, anxiety sensitivity, insomnia symptoms, alcohol use, hopelessness, and posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] symptoms) and severity of suicidal thoughts and presence of SAs at follow-up. Results revealed that service members with interrupted and/or aborted SAs (and no prior SAs) reported significantly more severe baseline PTSD hyperarousal symptoms and were more likely to report an SA at follow-up, compared with service members who had prior SAs. Study findings highlight the importance of considering interrupted and aborted SAs when evaluating suicide risk among high-risk service members.