Job Shop Scheduling (JSS) is an important real-world problem. However, the problem is challenging because of many conflicting objectives and the complexity of production flows. Genetic programming-based hyper-heuristic (GP-HH) is a useful approach for automatically evolving effective dispatching rules for many-objective JSS. However, the evolved Pareto-front is highly irregular, seriously affecting the effectiveness of GP-HH. Although the reference points method is one of the most prominent and efficient methods for diversity maintenance in many-objective problems, it usually uses a uniform distribution of reference points which is only appropriate for a regular Pareto-front. In fact, some reference points may never be linked to any Pareto-optimal solutions, rendering them useless. These useless reference points can significantly impact the performance of any reference-point-based many-objective optimization algorithms such as NSGA-III. This paper proposes a new reference point adaption process that explicitly constructs the distribution model using Gaussian process to effectively reduce the number of useless reference points to a low level, enabling a close match between reference points and the distribution of Pareto-optimal solutions. We incorporate this mechanism into NSGA-III to build a new algorithm called MARP-NSGA-III which is compared experimentally to several popular many-objective algorithms. Experiment results on a large collection of many-objective benchmark JSS instances clearly show that MARP-NSGA-III can significantly improve the performance by using our Gaussian Process-based reference point adaptation mechanism.