Johan Bondesson,Ga‐Young Suh,Michael D. Dake,Jason T. Lee,Christopher P. Cheng
Type B aortic dissections propagate with either achiral (nonspiraling) or right-handed chiral (spiraling) morphology, have mobile dissection flaps, and are often treated with thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). We aim to quantify cardiac-induced helical deformation of the true lumen of type B aortic dissections before and after TEVAR.Retrospective cardiac-gated computed tomography (CT) images before and after TEVAR of type B aortic dissections were used to construct systolic and diastolic 3-dimensional (3D) surface models, including true lumen, whole lumen (true+false lumens), and branch vessels. This was followed by extraction of true lumen helicity (helical angle, twist, and radius) and cross-sectional (area, circumference, and minor/major diameter ratio) metrics. Deformations between systole and diastole were quantified, and deformations between pre- and post-TEVAR were compared.Eleven TEVAR patients (59.9±4.6 years) were included in this study. Pre-TEVAR, there were no significant cardiac-induced deformations of helical metrics; however, post-TEVAR, significant deformation was observed for the true lumen proximal angular position. Pre-TEVAR, cardiac-induced deformations of all cross-sectional metrics were significant; however, only area and circumference deformations remained significant post-TEVAR. There were no significant differences of pulsatile deformation from pre- to post-TEVAR. Variance of proximal angular position and cross-sectional circumference deformation decreased after TEVAR.Pre-TEVAR, type B aortic dissections did not exhibit significant helical cardiac-induced deformation, indicating that the true and false lumens move in unison (do not move with respect to each other). Post-TEVAR, true lumens exhibited significant cardiac-induced deformation of proximal angular position, suggesting that exclusion of the false lumen leads to greater rotational deformations of the true lumen and lack of true lumen major/minor deformation post-TEVAR means that the endograft promotes static circularity. Population variance of deformations is muted after TEVAR, and dissection acuity influences pulsatile deformation while pre-TEVAR chirality does not.Description of thoracic aortic dissection helical morphology and dynamics, and understanding the impact of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) on dissection helicity, are important for improving endovascular treatment. These findings provide nuance to the complex shape and motion of the true and false lumens, enabling clinicians to better stratify dissection disease. The impact of TEVAR on dissection helicity provides a description of how treatment alters morphology and motion, and may provide clues for treatment durability. Finally, the helical component to endograft deformation is important to form comprehensive boundary conditions for testing and developing new endovascular devices.