Summary Transient and rapid increase in cytosolic Ca 2+ plays a crucial role in plant–pathogen‐associated molecular pattern (PAMP)‐triggered immunity (PTI). Cyclic nucleotide‐gated channels (CNGCs) have been implicated in mediating this Ca 2+ influx; however, their regulatory mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we have found that AVRblb2 requires the calmodulin (CaM) and calmodulin‐like (CML) proteins as co‐factors to interact with the NbCNGCs, resulting in the formation of AVRblb2‐CaM/CML‐NbCNGCs complex. Furthermore, CaM and CML are dissociated from NbCNGC18 during PTI response to increase Ca 2+ influx; however, Avrblb2 inhibits calcium channel activation by disrupting the release of CaM and CML from NbCNGC18. Following recognition of PAMP, NbCNGC18 forms active heteromeric channels with other NbCNGCs, which may give selectivity of CNGC complex against diverse signals for fine‐tuning of cytosolic Ca 2+ level to mediate appropriate responses. Silencing of multiple NbCNGCs compromised the function of AVRblb2 on the pathogenicity of Phytophthora infestans , confirming that AVRblb2 contributes to pathogen virulence by targeting CNGCs. Our findings provide new insights into the regulation of CNGCs in PTI and the role of pathogen effectors in manipulating host cell physiology to promote infection.