As 5G networks become more complex and heterogeneous, the difficulty of network operation and maintenance forces mobile operators to find new strategies to stay competitive. However, most existing network fault diagnosis methods rely on manual testing and time stacking, which suffer from long optimization cycles and high resource consumption. Therefore, we herein propose a knowledge- and data-fusion-based fault diagnosis algorithm for 5G cellular networks from the perspective of big data and artificial intelligence. The algorithm uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) to expand the data set collected from real network scenarios to balance the number of samples under different network fault categories. In the process of fault diagnosis, a naive Bayesian model (NBM) combined with domain expert knowledge is firstly used to pre-diagnose the expanded data set and generate a topological association graph between the data with solid engineering significance and interpretability. Then, as the pre-diagnostic prior knowledge, the topological association graph is fed into the graph convolutional neural network (GCN) model simultaneously with the training data set for model training. We use a data set collected by Minimization of Drive Tests under real network scenarios in Lu'an City, Anhui Province, in August 2019. The simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm outperforms other traditional models in fault detection and diagnosis tasks, achieving an accuracy of 90.56% and a macro F1 score of 88.41%.