The growth of high-quality cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) crystals using the traveling heater method (THM) is strongly influenced by the morphology of growth interface. Here, we investigate the effect of a traveling magnetic field (TMF) on the growth of CZT single crystals by the THM using the multi-physics numerical simulation method. When no magnetic field is applied, the concave morphology of the growth interface caused by the gravity-driven natural convection is confirmed using a multi-component mass transfer model based on the Maxwell-Stefan equations. In contrast, the application of an upward TMF accelerates the flow near the crucible wall and hence the lateral flow along the growth interface, finally leading to a relatively flat growth interface. Conversely, the increase of a downward TMF intensity significantly weakens natural convection in the central melt region; particularly, when the magnetic induction strength is increased to 300 mT at a frequency of 50 Hz, the desired convex-shaped growth interface can be achieved with the appearance of strong vortices at the dissolution interface. Therefore, we conclude that both the upward and downward TMF can improve the growth interface and thereby facilitates the growth of high-quality single crystals.