To summarize the evidence of various exercise modalities on population with insomnia disorders. PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science were searched for eligible studies published from inception to October 2022 and updated on September 2023. Systematic reviews with meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials designed to investigate the effect of various exercise modalities on population with insomnia were eligible. A total of 4 SRs with (very) low methodological quality and 1034 participants in 10 network meta-analyses explored the association between different types and intensity exercise modalities with insomnia disorders. Various exercise modalities could significantly improve total sleep time and sleep quality and alleviate insomnia severity. Compared to passive control, moderate aerobic exercise, moderate aerobic exercise combined with light intensity strength and mind-body exercise can improve sleep efficiency and reduce wake after sleep onset by objectively measured. Moderate intensity strength, light intensity strength and mind-body exercise can improve sleep efficiency subjectively measured; mind-body exercise can reduce sleep onset latency and wake time after sleep onset, and increase total sleep time; moderate aerobic exercise can reduce sleep onset latency. Moderate intensity strength, light intensity strength, mind body exercise and moderate aerobic exercise combined with light intensity strength can the severity of insomnia and improv sleep quality. Exercise had a positive effect on relief insomnia and improve sleep quality. Moderate aerobic exercise, mind-body exercise and moderate aerobic exercise combined with light intensity strength play an important role in improving the sleep quality in people with insomnia disorders.