The transistor, as the basic unit of electronics based on von Neumann architecture, is approaching the limit of Moore's law in the era of big data. Inspired by the biological system, iontronics provides an energy-efficient architecture to transmit data. Here, we used the ubiquitous solid-liquid triboelectrification to regulate the output characteristics of iontronics and proposed transistor-like triboiontronics (TTI) by work function difference. Unlike previous studies, which scavenged induced electrostatic charges from a solid surface, the triboelectric charges of liquids were also captured here, creating a record-high charge density of 13.926 mC/m2. Gated by the water droplet, TTI's gate-tunable function holds great significance for self-powered threshold sensors with high signal-to-noise ratio and enables a neurologic circuit to control robotic movements. We envision that triboiontronics will provide a new paradigm for futuristic in-sensor computing and neuromorphic analogs.