Henry Kunkel was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1916. He died in 1983 at the early age of 67. He was an outstanding clinical scholar who had a deep passion for scientific facts. Almost all his scientific life was involved in biomedical research at the Rockefeller University in New York City. He had a laboratory on the third floor of Founder’s Hall (the first building at what was then Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research). His office was a spare, unpretentious room with a view of the East River in Upper Manhattan. To this room came many scientists the world over as well as many of his former fellows who came back to see the old master. He was especially glad to talk about experimental data and would drop what he was doing to talk about the deeper significance of their observations. His parting words would often be, ‘Come again’
Kunkel has received numerous accolades which could be exemplified in the following story. His research grant application was being reviewed at an NIH Study section meeting and a reviewer pointed out the lack of details concerning techniques and procedures, but …