In continuation of some previous work published by this author in an open access journal [S. Koutandos, IOSR J. Appl. Phys. 10 , 26 (2018); 10 , 35 (2018); 9 , 47 (2017); 11 , 72 (2019)], he now derives the London equations from an expansion of the rotation of vorticity. Vorticity is a vector quantity described in fluid mechanics which characterizes the angular motion of a point particle as it moves. A small ball, for example, found in a field of vorticity would turn around itself. This is in accordance with the existence of the spin of a particle. We claim that due to the dipolar nature of the electric charge, its rotation vortex effects appear. It is found that the total time derivative of the radius possibly due to Brownian motion is different from the velocity but is used as a starting point in describing a fluid-like flow for the electron where all the quantities behave accordingly. Finally, we ascribe the relativistic radius of the electron to a curvature of spacetime from the mass energy equivalence for the electric energy. This paper may also be looked at as one more discussion about the hidden variables quest in quantum mechanics, offering some progress in understanding them.