Fish health management has become a critical component of disease control and is invaluable for improved harvests and sustainable aquaculture. Vaccination is generally accepted as the most effective prophylactic measure for fish disease prevention, on environmental, social, and economic grounds. Although the historical approach for developing fish vaccines was based on the principle of Louis Pasteur's "isolate, inactivate and inject," but their weak immunogenicity and low efficacies in many cases, have shifted the focus of fish vaccine development from traditional to next-generation technologies. However, before any fish vaccine can be successfully commercialized, several hurdles need to be overcome regarding the production cost, immunogenicity, effectiveness, mode of administration, environmental safety, and associated regulatory concerns. In this context, the chapter summarises the basic aspects of fish vaccination such as type of vaccine, modalities of vaccine delivery, the immunological basis of fish immunization as well as different challenges associated with the development process and future opportunities.