통대추(JW1), 대추과육(JW2), 대추과즙(JW3)에 효모를 사용하여 만든 대추발효주의 제조과정 중 유리 아미노산과 향기성분을 HPLC와 GC-MS로 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. Cysteine등 18종의 유리 아미노산이 검출 되었고 시험구별 총량은 각각 통대추구(JW1)가 141-210 ppm, 과육구(JW2)가 147-342 ppm, 과즙구(JW3)가 336-362 ppm이었다. 이 중 다량 검출된 유리 아미노산은 proline, aspartate, glutamate, arginine이었다. 한편 향기성분은 ethyl alcohol, iso-butyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, iso-amyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol, phenethyl alcohol의 alcohol류 6종, ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate, ethyl caprylate, phenethyl acetate의 ester류 4종, diethylacetal, furfural, benzaldehyde의 aldehyde류 3종이 검출 되었으며 이 중 ethyl alcohol(30.50-33.95% peak area), benzaldehyde(2.55-15.97% peak area), iso-amyl alcohol(1.04-14.73% peak area), furfural(0.07-15.28% peak area), phenethyl acetate(0.78-9.28% peak area)가 많이 검출 되었다. Characteristic chemical compositions of jujube wine using different preparation methods including fermentation were investigated. Fermentation for jujube wine started using whole fruit (JW1), seed-removed fruit (JW2) and whole fruit heated at $100^{\circ}C$ for 2 h and then extracted (JW3). The free amino acids and flavors were analyzed quantitatively by HPLC and GC-MS. A total of 18 amino acids were identified in all samples. The amount of total free amino acids was detected from 141-210 ppm (JW1), 147-342 ppm (JW2), and 336-362 ppm (JW3). Large amounts of proline, aspartate, glutamate, arginine and alanine were detected in jujube wine. Thirteen kinds of volatile compounds including six alcoholic compounds (ethyl alcohol, iso-butyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, iso-amyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol, and phenethyl alcohol), four ester (ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate, ethyl caprylate, and phenethyl acetate) and three aldehydes (diethylacetal, furfural, and benzaldehyde) were detected. Ethyl alcohol (30.50-33.95% peak area), benzaldehyde (2.55-15.97% ratio), furfural (0.07-15.28% ratio), iso-amyl alcohol (1.04-14.73% ratio), and phenethyl acetal (0.78-9.28% ratio) were abundant in jujube wine.