Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in adults presents a formidable challenge. While overall results have improved over the past 3 decades, the long-term survival for patients aged less than 60 years is only in the range of 30-40% and is 10-15% if between 60 and 70 years and <5% for those over 70 years. The historic lack of clear-cut biological prognostic factors has led to over- or under-treatment of some patients. Response to initial therapy is an important prognosticator of outcome based on disease biology, as well as pharmacogenetics, which include the patient's response to drugs given. The more widespread availability of allogeneic transplantation and reduced-intensity regimens for older patients have opened up this curative modality to a greater number of patients. Hopefully, those options, as well as novel cytogenetic and molecular markers, will enable a better selection of patients who undergo intensive therapies and finally break the 30-40% cure barrier for adults with ALL.