With the prevailing use of smartphones and location-based services, vast amounts of trajectory data are collected and used for many applications. When trajectory data are sent to a third-party research institute for analytical applications, the privacy of users would be severely disclosed. For example, the relationship between users will be revealed from the correlation between trajectories. In this paper, we propose a method for releasing trajectory datasets without revealing correlation between trajectories, called RDPT. In RDPT, we first quantify the trajectory correlation and convert the problem of protecting trajectory correlations into reducing the trajectory similarities of users and preserving the utility of the perturbed trajectories. Based on the insight, we model a multi-objective optimization problem and solve the problem with the particle swarm optimization algorithm modified to satisfy differential privacy. Then we generate synthetic trajectories and the correlations between trajectories are reduced. We conduct extensive experiments on three real trajectory datasets. The experimental results show that RDPT achieves almost equivalent data utility to and better privacy than the existing methods.