Three dimensional freeze printing (3DFP) combines the advantages of freeze casting and additive manufacturing to fabricate multifunctional aerogels. Freeze casting is a cost-effective, efficient, and versatile method capable of fabricating micro-scale porous structures inside the aerogels for many different applications. The 3DFP provided the capability of fabricating highly customized geometries with controlled microporous structures as well. However, there are still many unexplained phenomena and features because of the complexity of post-processes and indirect observation methods. This study demonstrates the design and construction of the in situ imaging systems, which use the x-ray synchrotron radiography to observe freeze casting and 3DFP processes. With the advantages provided by the in situ x-ray imaging techniques, the ice crystal growth with its unique lamellar structures can be observed during the freeze casting process. The movement of freeze front, material deposition, and growth of ice crystals can also be visualized during the inkjet-based 3DFP process.