There are numerous factors that can have an impact on the degradation behavior of batteries, such as the number of recharge cycles or the charge rate. Here, we investigate the influence of operating temperature on the structural degradation of the microstructure in lithium-ion positive electrodes. For that purpose, the microstructure is characterized for cathodes which have been cycled for 200 cycles under 6C (10-minute) charging at different operating temperatures, namely, 20∘C, 30∘C, 40∘C, and 50∘C. For each operating condition scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of cross-sectioned LixNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 (NMC532) electrodes have been analyzed, to determine structural descriptors such as global particle porosity, crack size/length/width distribution, and porosity and specific surface area distribution of individual particles. Additionally, a stereological method has been deployed to investigate the local particle porosity as a function of distance to the particle center. Results show that particle porosity increases with increasing cycling temperature. Particle porosity is greatest at the particle center and decreases along the particle radius to the exterior. Particle surface area is similar across the four cycling-temperature aging conditions.