Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious pathogen affecting domestic dogs and other carnivores globally. Monitoring CPV through continuous genomic surveillance is crucial for mapping variability and developing effective control measures. Here, we developed a method using multiplex-PCR-next-generation sequencing to obtain full-length CPV genomes directly from clinical samples. This approach utilizes tiling and tailed amplicons to amplify overlapping fragments of roughly 250 base pairs. This enables the creation of Illumina libraries by conducting two PCR reaction runs. We tested the assay in 10 fecal samples from dogs diagnosed with CPV and one CPV-2 vaccine strain. Furthermore, we applied it to a feline sample previously diagnosed with the feline panleukopenia virus. The assay provided 100% genome coverage and high sequencing depth across all 12 samples. It successfully provided the sequence of the coding regions and the left and right non-translated regions, including tandem and terminal repeats. The assay effectively amplified viral variants from divergent evolutionary groups, including the antigenic variants (2a, 2b, and 2c) and the ancestral CPV-2 strain included in vaccine formulations. Moreover, it successfully amplified the entire genome of the feline panleukopenia virus found in cat feces. This method is cost-effective, time-efficient, and does not require lab expertise in Illumina library preparation. The multiplex-PCR-next-generation methodology facilitates large-scale genomic sequencing, expanding the limited number of complete genomes currently available in databases and enabling real-time genomic surveillance. Furthermore, the method helps identify and track emerging CPV viral variants, facilitating molecular epidemiology and control. Adopting this approach can enhance our understanding of the evolution and genetic diversity of Protoparvovirus carnivoran1.