Accumulating evidence highlights protein O-GlcNAcylation as a putative pathogenic contributor of diabetic vascular complications. We previously reported that elevated protein O-GlcNAcylation correlates with increased atherosclerotic lesion formation and VSMC proliferation in response to hyperglycemia. However, the role of O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT), regulator of O-GlcNAc signaling, in the evolution of diabetic atherosclerosis remains elusive. The goal of this study was to determine whether smooth muscle OGT (smOGT) plays a direct role in hyperglycemia-induced atherosclerotic lesion formation and SMC de-differentiation. Using tamoxifen-inducible Myh11-CreERT2 and Ogtfl/fl mice, we generated smOGTWT and smOGTKO mice, with and without ApoE-null backgrounds. Following STZ-induced hyperglycemia, smOGTWT and smOGTKO mice were kept on a standard laboratory diet for the study duration. In a parallel study, smOGTWTApoE-/- and smOGTKOApoE-/- were initiated on Western diet at 8-wks-age. Animals harvested at 14-16-wks-age were used for plasma and tissue collection. Loss of smOGT augmented SM contractile marker expression in aortic vessels of STZ-induced hyperglycemic smOGTKO mice. Consistently, smOGT deletion attenuated atherosclerotic lesion lipid burden (Oil red O), plaque area (H&E), leukocyte (CD45) and smooth muscle cell (ACTA2) abundance in Western diet-fed hyperglycemic smOGTKOApoE-/- mice. This was accompanied by increased SM contractile markers and reduced inflammatory and proliferative marker expression. Further, smOGT deletion attenuated YY1 and SRF expression (transcriptional regulators of SM contractile genes) in hyperglycemic smOGTKOApoE-/- and smOGTKO mice. These data uncover an athero-protective outcome of smOGT loss-of-function and suggest a direct regulatory role of OGT-mediated O-GlcNAcylation in VSMC de-differentiation in hyperglycemia.