A general leading-order asymptotic theory of thin microstructural plates and uncertainty quantification of the elastic performance of composite laminates
We propose an asymptotic framework that may be used as a platform to model general thin microstructural plates, and our initiative is twofold. First, it provides an explanation to why so many tailored plate theories have been introduced for modelling plates bearing microstructures. In hypotheses-based plate theories, the microstructural details within each ply are usually smeared out. But it is shown that with such in-ply details properly taken into account, one manages to address, even only with leading-order terms, several key issues, such as transverse shear strain effects, shear locking, etc., whose rationalisation is believed to necessitate higher-order terms. To a certain degree, the proposed formulation can be used as a target for tailoring kinematic shape functions in both Reissner-Mindlin types of plate theories and zig-zag theories. Second, being slender in nature, a microstructural plate should accommodate a stress state that is close to the state of plane stress. This agrees with our findings that the (leading-order) mechanical units of a microstructural plate should be two-dimensional slices parameterised with the thickness coordinate, distinguishing the proposed framework from other plate theories based on asymptotic analysis. To demonstrate what the present framework can predict beyond existing theories, the effects on the behaviour of fibrous laminates due to manufacturing uncertainties are investigated.