Heart failure (HF) is a common disorder associated with significant morbidity and mortality. It can increase the risk of thromboembolic events, which subsequently lead to increased risk of stroke, ischemic heart disease, thromboembolism, and death. Antithrombotic therapy has been investigated as a potential management strategy for HF patients in sinus rhythm, but its efficacy remains uncertain. Current guidelines do not recommend the routine use of antithrombotics in patients with HF in sinus rhythm without any other indication for their use. Several randomized controlled trials have investigated the efficacy of antithrombotics in HF patients in sinus rhythm. This article provides a concise review of the existing literature to assess the evidence supporting the use of antithrombotics in HF patients in sinus rhythm. The use of warfarin or other anticoagulants has demonstrated a lower risk of stroke but an increased risk of bleeding. The studies demonstrate that anticoagulant therapy in HF patients in sinus rhythm does not provide significant benefits in terms of overall ischemic events or death.