Surface single atom Ni-coordinated carbon nitride fibers (Ni/C3N4Fs) were reassembled into tiny NiP nanoparticle-integrated C3N4Fs (NiP/C3N4Fs) with the strengthened polarized electric fields accompanied by a weakened interface barrier. Photogenerated e- and h+ dynamically transfer to the convex-integrated NiP and concave of C3N4Fs under the synergetic electric fields via inner single atoms of Ni as charge transfer bridges within C3N4Fs interlayers, which is confirmed by high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy, K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical prediction. H2- and O2-evolution rates of 1.89 and 0.92 mmol g−1 h−1 with solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 2.33% are obtained over NiP/C3N4Fs system under visible light irradiation. This research provides a rational strategy for constructing the connection of H2 fuel production with its practical application.