Orange persistent phosphors of Ca3Si2O7 (CSO) doped with Eu2+ were strategically developed by codoping Sm3+ or Tm3+. First, a vacuum referred binding energy, VRBE, diagram of Ca3Si2O7 (CSO) was constructed from the measured spectroscopic data. By the zigzag curve of the divalent lanthanide ions in the VRBE diagram, Sm3+ and Tm3+ ions were predicted to be a suitable electron trap for the persistent luminescence. The initial persistent luminance of CSO:Eu2+-Sm3+ and CSO:Eu2+-Tm3+ was found to be 290 times and 9300 times stronger, respectively, compared with CSO:Eu2+. By optimizing Eu2+ and Tm3+ concentrations, the persistent luminescence duration on 0.32 mcd/m2 reached approximately 50 min in CSO:Eu2+-Tm3+. From the VRBE diagram and the persistent luminescence properties, we discuss the persistent mechanism including the charging process, detrapping process, and electron trapping centers.