It is difficult to solve problems regarding the adjustment on demand and supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) due to seasonal variations of domestic demand of LNG, discordance among import pattern, limits of storage facilities, and so on. Therefore, it is very important to secure large LNG storage facilities and to stabilize LNG supply management on a long term basis. A new concept of storing LNG in a lined rock cavern with containment system has been developed by Geostock, SKEC and SN Technigaz with the help of KIGAM. To demonstrate the feasibility of this concept and validate numerical modelling and calculations, a pilot plant was constructed at KIGAM in Daejeon Science Complex in 2003, which had been under operation for storing LN2 (Boiling Temperature: -196°C) since January 2004, and now been decommissioned. The objective of this study is to examine the realscale applicability of a lined underground rock storage system, which has been verified by a successful operation of the Daejeon LNG pilot plant. The new technology has many advantages of better economy, safety and environment protection, for above-ground and in-ground storage systems. The results of this study may promote the first ever real scale underground LNG storage system in a rock cavern.