Outbreaks associated with low-moisture foods (e.g., wheat flour, nuts, and cereals) have urged the development of novel technologies and re-validation of legacy pasteurization process. For various thermal pasteurization processes, they share same scientific facts (e.g., bacterial heat resistance increased at reduced water activity) and guidelines. However, they also face specific challenges because of their different heat transfer mechanisms, processing conditions, or associated low-moisture foods’ formulations. In this article, we first introduced the general structural for validating a thermal process and the shared basic information that would support our understanding of the key elements of each thermal process. Then, we reviewed the current progress of validation studies of 7 individual heating technologies (drying roasting, radiofrequency-assisted pasteurization, superheated steam, etc.) and the combined treatments (e.g., infrared and hot air). Last, we discussed knowledge gaps that require more scientific data in the future studies. We aimed to provide a process-centric view point of thermal pasteurization studies of low-moisture foods. The information could provide detailed protocol for process developers, operators, and managers to enhance low-moisture foods safety.