For developing the industrially feasible Ni-rich layered oxide cathode with extended cycle life, it is necessary to mitigate both the mechanical degradation due to intergranular cracking between primary particles and gas generation from the reaction between the electrolyte and residual Li in the cathode. To simultaneously resolve these two issues, we herein propose a simple but novel method to reinforce the primary particles in LiNi0.91Co0.06Mn0.03O2 by providing a Li-reactive material, whose spinel interphase is coherent with the surface of the cathode. The modified structure significantly outperforms analogous bare samples: they conserve more than 90% of the initial capacity after 50 cycles and also exhibit a greater rate capability. By tracking the same particle location during cycling, we confirmed that the current method significantly reduces crack generation because the provided coating material can penetrate inside the grain boundary of the secondary particle and help maintain the volume of the primary particle. Finally, first-principles calculations were implemented to determine the role of this spinel material, i.e., having intrinsically isotropic lattice parameters, superior mechanical properties, and only a small volume change during delithiation. We believe that the proposed method is straightforward and cost-effective; hence, it is directly applicable for the mass production of Ni-rich cathode material to enable its commercialization.