Collis and Yule 1 Collis EL Yule GU The mortality experience of an occupational group exposed to silica dust, compared with that of the general population and of an occupational group exposed to dust not containing silica. J Indust Hygiene. 1933; 15: 395-417 Google Scholar stated in 1933, that “silica is such a body poison as is lead, even though it exerts its maleficent influence, especially with regard to tuberculosis, mainly on the respiratory organs, through which it gains access to the body”. This statement invites us to question the editorial 2 Editorial The world is failing on silicosis. Lancet Respir Med. 2019; 7: 283 Summary Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (45) Google Scholar entitled “The world is failing on silicosis” in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. As clinicians, radiologists, toxicologists, and social scientists working on health hazards related to crystalline silica exposure, we delve beyond silicosis, to learn of other dangers associated with silica.