Job Satisfaction, Motivation and Performance

工作满意度 工作设计 工作表现 工作态度 人事心理学 心理学 关系绩效 社会心理学 工作分析 关系(数据库) 应用心理学 计算机科学 数据库
Nathan A. Bowling

Chapter 13 Job Satisfaction, Motivation and Performance Nathan A. Bowling, Nathan A. BowlingSearch for more papers by this author Nathan A. Bowling, Nathan A. BowlingSearch for more papers by this author Book Editor(s):Toon W Taris, Toon W TarisSearch for more papers by this authorMaria C W Peeters, Maria C W PeetersSearch for more papers by this authorJan de Jonge, Jan de JongeSearch for more papers by this author First published: 04 December 2013 AboutPDFPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShareShare a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat Summary The relation between job satisfaction and job performance is among one of the most widely studied topics within work psychology. This chapter provides the definition for job satisfaction and job performance. It discusses the causal nature of the relation between job satisfaction and job performance. The chapter describes the factors that influence the strength of the job satisfaction-job performance relation and also discusses the role of motivation in the job satisfaction-job performance relation. Job satisfaction might impact task performance via effects on behavioural readiness. This possibility directly speaks to the motivational role of job satisfaction, that is, job satisfaction may influence performance by causing employees to display more effort, persistence and proactive initiative. Job satisfaction is also potentially related to other indices of job performance, including organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs), counterproductive work behaviours (CWBs) and employee withdrawal. Meta-analyses have found that global job satisfaction is positive related to OCBs and negatively related to CWBs. Further Reading Bowling , N. A. ( 2007 ). Is the job satisfaction–job performance relationship spurious: A meta-analytic examination . 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