Studies on microbial ammonium removal have focused on the heterotrophic nitrification of microorganisms and have rarely studied the role of ammonium assimilation. In this study, Rhodococcus erythropolis strain Y10 with the capacity of aerobic denitrification was screened from the surface flow constructed wetlands that treat high-strength ammonium swine wastewater. Instead of through nitrification, this strain removed ammonium through heterotrophic ammonium assimilation, with the removal rate of 9.69 mg/L/h. The KEGG nitrogen metabolism pathway analysis combined with nitrogen balance calculation manifested that the removal of nitrate and nitrite by R. erythropolis Y10 was achieved through two pathways: 1) assimilation reduction to biomass nitrogen and 2) aerobic denitrification reduction to gaseous nitrogen. Ammonium addition improved the aerobic denitrification rate of nitrate and nitrite. The maximal reduction rates of nitrate and nitrite increased from 7.82 and 7.23 mg/L/h to 9.09 and 8.09 mg/L/h respectively, when 100 mg/L ammonium was separately added to 150 mg/L nitrate and nitrite. Furthermore, the removal efficiency of total nitrogen increased from 69.80% and 77.65% to 89.19% and 91.88%, respectively. Heterotrophic ammonium assimilation promoted the aerobic denitrification efficiency of Rhodococcus erythropolis strain Y10.