Human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) infection is a major pediatric health concern worldwide. Despite more than half a century of efforts, there is still no commercially available vaccine. In this study, we constructed and purified the recombinant protein CTA1-DD-RBF composed of a CTA1-DD mucosal adjuvant and prefusion F protein (RBF) using Escherichia coli BL21 cells. We studied the immunogenicity of CTA1-DD-RBF in mice. Intranasal immunization with CTA1-DD-RBF stimulated hRSV F-specific IgG1, IgG2a, sIgA, and neutralizing antibodies as well as T cell immunity without inducing lung immunopathology upon hRSV challenge. Moreover, the protective immunity of CTA1-DD-RBF was superior to that of the RBF protein, as confirmed by the assessment of serum-neutralizing activity and viral clearance after challenge. Compared to formalin-inactivated hRSV (FI-RSV), intranasal immunization with CTA1-DD-RBF induced a Th1 immune response. In summary, intranasal immunization with CTA1-DD-RBF is safe and effective in mice. Therefore, CTA1-DD-RBF represents a potential mucosal vaccine candidate for the prevention of human infection with hRSV.