Background: Liver fibrosis is a complication of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and is associated with increased atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk. Whether this risk may be enhanced in persons with pre-diabetes (pre-DM) or diabetes (DM), however, is not established. We examined the association of liver fibrosis with estimated ASCVD risk and its predictors according to DM status. Methods: We studied 30,895 adults (3,983 or 12.9% with DM) from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 1999-2014 with liver function measures to calculate FIB-4 scores; values of 1.3-2.67 and >2.67 indicated a moderate and high probability of advanced fibrosis, respectively. We studied the prevalence high FIB-4 scores in those with and without pre-DM and DM and the 10-year ASCVD risk based on the ACC/AHA Pooled Cohort Risk Calculator in persons without known ASCVD. In addition, multiple logistic regression examined predictors of high FIB-4 scores. Results: The prevalence of FIB-4 scores of 1.3-2.67 and >2.67 ranged from 17.8% and 1.5% in those without pre-DM/DM, 29.9% and 2.5% in those with pre-DM, and 35.3% and 3.5% in those with DM, respectively (p<0.0001). The figure shows the 10-year ASCVD risk by FIB-4 scores and presence of pre-DM and DM. Multivariable indicators of a FIB-4 score >2,67 were age (odds ratio [OR]=3.0 / 10 years), female sex (OR=0.53), non-Hispanic Black ethnicity (OR=2.0), waist circumference (OR=0.76/SD), alcohol use (OR=1.5), and NALFD (OR=3.3) in those without DM, and age (OR=2.2/10 years), female sex (OR=0.48), systolic blood pressure (1.4/SD), diastolic blood pressure (0.76/SD), and current smoking (OR=2.2) in those with DM (all p<0.05 to p<0.0001). Conclusions: Advanced fibrosis is more prevalent in those with vs. without DM. The presence of DM with higher FIB-4 scores is associated with especially high estimated ASCVD risks warranting increased efforts to address prevention and treatment of liver fibrosis.