A hierarchical machine learning (HML) framework is presented that uses a small dataset to learn and predict the dominant build parameters necessary to print high-fidelity 3D features of alginate hydrogels. We examine the 3D printing of soft hydrogel forms printed with the freeform reversible embedding of suspended hydrogel method based on a CAD file that isolated the single-strand diameter and shape fidelity of printed alginate. Combinations of system variables ranging from print speed, flow rate, ink concentration to nozzle diameter were systematically varied to generate a small dataset of 48 prints. Prints were imaged and scored according to their dimensional similarity to the CAD file, and high print fidelity was defined as prints with less than 10% error from the CAD file. As a part of the HML framework, statistical inference was performed, using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator to find the dominant variables that drive the error in the final prints. Model fit between the system parameters and print score was elucidated and improved by a parameterized middle layer of variable relationships which showed good performance between the predicted and observed data (R2 = 0.643). Optimization allowed for the prediction of build parameters that gave rise to high-fidelity prints of the measured features. A trade-off was identified when optimizing for the fidelity of different features printed within the same construct, showing the need for complex predictive design tools. A combination of known and discovered relationships was used to generate process maps for the 3D bioprinting designer that show error minimums based on the chosen input variables. Our approach offers a promising pathway toward scaling 3D bioprinting by optimizing print fidelity via learned build parameters that reduce the need for iterative testing.