Yu Li,Yan Ling Liu,Ya Rong Zhang,Yan Shen,Wen An Zhang,Tai Ming Jiang
Based on a long-term fertilization experiment in Guizhou Province, we explored the relationships between the soil available phosphorus (Olsen-P), soil apparent P balance and P application rate in order to quantify the best application rate of P fertilizer in yellow upland soil of southwestern China. Moreover, the response curve of crop yield to soil Olsen-P was fitted by Mitscherlich equation to determine the critical content of Olsen-P for crop yield. The results showed that the long-term application of P fertilizer could significantly increase the content of soil Olsen-P, and the increasing rates of Olsen-P across different treatments could be mainly explained by the application rate of P fertilizer. Under no-P treatment, the soil P content was in a deficient state for each year, while it displayed a surplus state in the treatments with P fertilizer, and the crop P uptake and P accumulation were found the highest under MNPK treatment. In contrast to single application of chemical fertilizer treatment (NPK), the combined application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer (1/4 M+3/4 NPK, 1/2 M+1/2 NPK) could enhance crop P uptake and improve accumulative P use efficiency. The soil apparent P balance was significantly (P<0.05) correlated with soil Olsen-P. With average P accumulation of 100 kg·hm-2, the soil Olsen-P increased by 16.4, 13.0 , 21.4 , and 5.6 mg·kg-1 in the treatments of MNPK, 1/4 M+3/4 NPK, 1/2 M+1/2 NPK, and NPK, respectively. The result showed that combined application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer could effectively increase the soil Olsen-P content, and the critical value of soil Olsen-P was 22.4 mg·kg-1 in yellow upland soil of southwestern China. The soil P balance and Olsen-P content were significantly (P<0.01) correlated with the annual P application rate. When the amount of average P application was 33.3 kg P·hm-2·a-1, the budgets of soil P balance remained stable, and the application rate of P fertilizer corresponding to the critical value of soil Olsen-P for crop yield was 45.9 kg P·hm-2·a-1. The content of soil Oslen P was mainly affected by the P fertilizer input amount. When the average P application rate was 45.9 kg P·hm-2·a-1, higher crop yield and P fertilizer efficiency would be achieved. When the average P application rate was greater than 45.9 kg P·hm-2·a-1, crop yield showed no response to P fertilizer input, but resulted in a large amount of P surplus in soil, thereby increasing the environmental risk of soil P loss. The long-term application of manure resulted in a higher increase of Olsen-P than the single chemical P ferti-lizer.以贵州黄壤肥力与肥效长期定位试验为平台,探究有效磷(Olsen-P)与土壤累积磷盈亏、磷肥用量的关系,确定西南黄壤旱地最佳磷肥施肥量,通过Mitscherlich方程模拟作物相对产量对土壤Olsen-P的响应关系,明确西南黄壤旱地的农学阈值.结果表明: 施用磷肥可显著提高土壤Olsen-P含量,不同施磷处理间提升幅度主要与磷肥施用量有关;不施磷处理土壤磷素一直处于亏缺状态,施磷处理土壤磷素有盈余,其中全量有机肥配施全量化肥处理(MNPK)作物吸磷量和磷素盈余量最高,同等施磷水平下,与单施化肥处理(NPK)相比,有机肥配施化肥处理(1/4 M +3/4 NPK、1/2 M +1/2 NPK)更能促进作物对磷素的吸收,提高磷素累积利用率.土壤累积磷盈亏与土壤Olsen-P增量呈显著直线相关关系(P<0.05),土壤中磷素每盈余100 kg·hm-2,MNPK、1/4 M +3/4 NPK、1/2 M +1/2 NPK、NPK处理Olsen-P分别增加16.4、13.0、21.4、5.6 mg·kg-1,有机肥与化肥配施能有效增加土壤Olsen-P含量.西南黄壤旱地Olsen-P的农学阈值为22.4 mg·kg-1;土壤每年磷盈亏和Olsen-P含量与磷肥施用量呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),磷肥用量(纯P)为每年33.3 kg·hm-2时,土壤磷盈亏呈持平状态,Olsen-P农学阈值对应的施肥量(纯P)为每年45.9 kg·hm-2.西南黄壤旱地Olsen-P含量主要与施磷水平有关,当年施磷量为45.9 kg·hm-2时可获得最佳的作物产量,磷肥利用率高;当年施磷量高于45.9 kg·hm-2时,作物产量对磷肥用量无响应,大量磷素累积在土壤中,增加了磷素的环境流失风险.西南黄壤旱地长期施用有机肥处理单位累积磷盈余量提升土壤Olsen-P的速率大于单施化学磷肥处理.