In vitro screening of calli and evaluation their physiological states for the enhancement of regeneration efficiency in various potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes
Callus induction and its subsequent regeneration is an important issue to study the genetic variability in breeding and biotechnological program. Under this study, various physiological characteristics of calli were evaluated based on ten (10) indigenous and six (6) exotic potato genotypes. Correlation matrix, mean rank, and standard deviation of rank related to the physiological states were also studied. According to the mean rank and standard deviation of rank, potato genotypes were classified into three distinct groups such as good (rank sum ranges 4.65–10.17), fair (10.53–13.96) and poor (14.21–16.40). In this study, Surjamukhi, Granola, Sheelbilati, Arun and Sindurkouta exhibited good callusing while Courage, Diamant, Jamalu, Sadaguti, Patnai and Cardinal showed fair index. Lalpakri, Asterix, Chollisha, Dohazari and Ausha displayed low callusing index. Among the tested genotypes ANOVA, DMRT and correlation co-efficient of all in vitro callus inductions characteristics were found highly significant at p < 0.01 levels. Calli of the studied genotypes were cultured in MS medium in addition with BAP (5.0 mg/L) + IAA (2.0 mg/L) + GA3 (1.0 mg/L) for regeneration. Maximum shoot regeneration was recorded in Sadaguti (40%) with a highest number of shoot (21.3). Meanwhile, lowest regeneration rate was obtained in Chollisha (19.99%) and the shoot number was 11.0. The standardized protocols and the message of the present findings on callus induction and their regeneration efficiency may be helpful to evaluate the rest indigenous and exotic cultivars of potatoes and its further improvement through biotechnological approaches in Bangladesh.