The spin-valley currents in silicene-based normal/sublattice-dependent ferromagnetic/normal junction are investigated. Unlike that in graphene, the pseudo Dirac mass in silicene is generated by spin-orbit interaction and tunable by applying electric or exchange fields into it. This is due to silicon-based honeycomb lattice having buckled structure. As a result, it is found that the junction leads to currents perfectly split into four groups, spin up (down) in k- and k′-valleys, when applying different values of the electric field, considered as a perfect spin-valley polarization (PSVP) for electronic application. The PSVP is due to the interplay of spin-valley-dependent Dirac mass and chemical potential in the barrier. The PSVP also occurs only for the energy comparable to the spin-orbit energy gap. This work reveals potential of silicene for spinvalleytronics applications.