Investigation Into Accessible Surface Vinyl Concentrations of Nonstoichiometric PDMS Microspheres from Hydrosilylation Reactions and Their Further Crosslinking Reactions
Baoguang Ma,Jens Henrik Hansen,Søren Hvilsted,Anne Ladegaard Skov
The introduction of surface vinyl groups to PDMS microspheres broadens the latter's applicability range since the microspheres can be further functionalized or crosslinked into elastomers. Quantification of the surface vinyl concentration of PDMS microspheres is therefore essential. Here, a novel titration method, which is based on efficiently and covalently bonding mono-functional hydride to vinyl, is employed to determine surface vinyl concentration. The titration method exhibits good reproducibility in detection, thereby underlining its potential applicability as a general titration method for cured silicones. Vinyl functional PDMS microspheres are mixed with a hydride crosslinker and non-reactive silicone oil to create a system which allows for extensive crosslinking. Both visual observations and rheological studies show that a robust macroscopic PDMS elastomer is obtained upon crosslinking. Furthermore, the influence of stoichiometric imbalance, and the weight fraction of silicone oil on the terminal storage modulus of the macroscopic PDMS elastomer, is investigated. The wide range of stoichiometries facilitating crosslinking between the PDMS microspheres and the hydride crosslinker found in this study is beneficial for delivering PDMS elastomer to hard-to-reach places, since the sensitivity of the system on concentration fluctuations is small.