The most common working mechanism of photodynamic therapy is based on high-toxicity singlet oxygen, which is called Type II photodynamic therapy. But it is highly dependent on oxygen consumption. Recently, Type I photodynamic therapy has been found to have better hypoxia tolerance to ease this restriction. However, few strategies are available on the design of Type I photosensitizers. We herein report an unexpected strategy to alleviate the limitation of traditional photodynamic therapy by biotinylation of three photosensitizers (two fluorescein-based photosensitizers and the commercially available Protoporphyrin). The three biotiylated photosensitizers named as compound 1, 2 and 3, exhibit impressive ability in generating both superoxide anion radicals and singlet oxygen. Moreover, compound 1 can be activated upon low-power white light irradiation with stronger ability of anion radicals generation than the other two. The excellent combinational Type I / Type II photodynamic therapy performance has been demonstrated with the photosensitizers 1. This work presents a universal protocol to provide tumor-targeting ability and enhance or trigger the generation of anion radicals by biotinylation of Type II photosensitizers against tumor hypoxia.