As the world consumption of fossil energy source increases, the production of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which represents the most danger threatening our civilization, increases. This accounts for more than 70% of carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, several countries are committed to numerous international environmental agreements with the objective of reducing their GHG emissions. In order to meet these challenges, a multifaceted strategy including the reduction of fossil energy usage and its substitution with clean energy resources has been proposed. The development of bio-based energy products such as biodiesel, bioethanol, hydrogen, biomethane, biomethanol, etc. has attracted more attention, owing to their good performance as well as environmentally friendly characteristics. These alternative products have been synthesized via several catalytic reactions using suitable heterogeneous catalysts including hydroxyapatite (HA). Owing to its high structural stability, ion substitution ability, acid–base properties, and adsorption capacity, HA had been widely explored as a catalyst or catalyst support in heterogeneous catalysts. This chapter deals with the latest advances in the production of bio-based energy products and energy additives using HA-based catalysts.