Handgrip strength (HGS) is a frequent and general indicator of muscle strength and it may affect several aspects of mental health among older people. This study explored the association of HGS with depression and cognitive impairment among community-dwelling older adults in resource-constrained setting of India.Data were drawn from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), and the analysis was conducted on 27,707 older adults aged 60 years and above. Outcome measures included depression (assessed by the Short Form Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI-SF) and the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) scales) and cognitive impairment. Descriptive statistics and mean scores of HGS were reported and multivariable linear regression analyses were conducted to test the research hypotheses of the study.Mean score of HGS was 24.33 (SD: 7.22) for males and 15.94 (SD: 5.14) for females. Mean age was 68.86 (SD: 7.19) and 68.40 (SD: 7.31) years among males and females respectively. Older participants who had weak HGS were significantly more likely to be depressed in CIDI-SF scale (B: 0.06, CI: 0.01-0.13) and CES-D scale (B: 0.02, CI: 0.01-0.03) in comparison to those who had strong HGS after adjusting for a large number of confounders. Older participants who had weak HGS were significantly more likely (B: 0.92, CI: 0.76-1.07) to have cognitive impairment compared to those who had strong HGS.The findings highlight the independent association of HGS with major depression, depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment that have implications on promoting resistance-training programs among aged population.