Continuous improvement in the living standards of developing countries, calls for an urgent need of high quality meat and dairy products. The farm animals have a micro-ecosystem in gastro-intestinal tract, comprising of a wide variety of flora and fauna which converts roughages and agricultural byproducts as well as nutrient rich concentrate sources into the useful products such as volatile fatty acids and microbial crude proteins. The microbial diversity changes according to composition of the feed, host species/breed and host's individual genetic makeup. From culture methods to next-generation sequencing technologies, the knowledge has emerged a lot to know-how of microbial world viz. their identification, enzymatic activities and metabolites which are the keys of ruminant's successful existence. The structural composition of ruminal community revealed through metagenomics can be elaborated by metatranscriptomics and metabolomics through deciphering their functional role in metabolism and their responses to the external and internal stimuli. These highly sophisticated analytical tools have made possible to correlate the differences in the feed efficiency, nutrients utilization and methane emissions to their rumen microbiome. The comprehensively understood rumen microbiome will enhance the knowledge in the fields of animal nutrition, biotechnology and climatology through deciphering the significance of each and every domain of residing microbial entity. The present review undertakes the recent investigations regarding rumen multi-omics viz. taxonomic and functional potential of microbial populations, host–diet–microbiome interactions and correlation with metabolic dynamics.